Home Enterprise bank How negative thinking influences entrepreneurs

How negative thinking influences entrepreneurs



Today more than ever, something serious is happening to society. We are invaded by an evil that we unwittingly promote and maximize on social networks; This evil is called negativity . And it is that always, since the human being has the use of reason, there has been good news and bad news; But in our time, there is the possibility of being communicated in an instant with other friends, other people and other cultures, and thus to spread good or bad.

These negative news or thoughts can become habitual in humans. How many of us don’t have a friend or family member sharing information that only irritates us or makes us have a bad day? Once, talking to a young man who had a really good idea to start a business, he said to me, “I’m not going to start my project asking for money from a bank because they’re all thieves. And when I told him why then didn’t he try to approach a government agency to get some kind of support; He said to me: “I will not go there, because these supports are for the friends of the politicians, besides the party which currently governs is not to my taste” and when I asked him about the because of his thought he said to me: “You are not on Facebook or Twitter? Can’t you see everything that is being said about banks and governments?”

Like this previous example, there are a lot of them. How many young people have enormous entrepreneurial potential that is not exploited by negative thinking?

Do they think it is necessary for the stars to align to start their project? Or that in order to be able to undertake a government with which we have chemistry is necessary? Or wait for the banks to be charities so that we can get closer and create a financial plan for our project? That will never happen!

I remember Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, once said, “The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to achieve something, whether or not you feel good about yourself. “We are currently living in a time when everything around us seeks to make the work of our species easier, but for some reason we have been made to believe that the world and society must come together with us, that humanity all must seek the path in which I It suits me well, that is to say that my happiness and my success are in the others, and not in myself.

And when negative thinking invades us, comparisons start off, we start saying: “Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Howard Schultz and George Soros were already rich at my age” and with it comes the discouragement that ends up generating conformism, which is why he said to Bill Gates : “Don’t compare yourself to anyone in this world, if you do, you insult yourself. “

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t always mean you will be a billionaire, but it does mean that you will improve your future and that of those around you. Likewise, negative thinking causes us to be constant critiques of other people’s work, we disqualify them, attack them and think that if they are successful it is because they have surely been lucky or met someone. one that took them to where they are. now. And since we are so critical of others, then we look for a way to do nothing so as not to be criticized, enveloping ourselves in a vicious cycle that prevents us from moving forward. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, used to say, “If you never want to be criticized, then don’t do anything.

American businessman Sam Walton said: “High expectations are the key to achieving this.”

This previous sentence is related to the thinking that young entrepreneurs should have; If you don’t believe in your idea, no one else will. If you don’t believe that you can do something right, congratulations you will do it wrong, that is why it is necessary and essential to change the way you think and not get carried away by it. bad news that invades social networks day after day and plunges us into a world of anguish and hatred cutting the wings of our enthusiasm.

According to Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, “You want to have a future where you hope things get better, not a future where you expect things to get worse.” Unfortunately how many people do we know that the more the years go by they become more irritable, more critical and more negative, they jeopardize their future by generating a personal scenario worse than in the past, all for a simple thing like change of mindset, in this case, these people have changed for the worse.

Finally, I want to end with a sentence from Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon: “life is too short to surround yourself with people who do not contribute”. Change your mentality and if necessary, change your friends!

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This article originally appeared on entrepreneur.com



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